Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Mom's love is GREAT....Grandma's is GREATER!!!!.....

 We all  like our grandma more than our mom...She is the one who took care of us from the back-stage... No matter what she would always give her love silently to us...

My grandma's life has not been so colorful...From the stories she has told us...She has never had her moment...She started to do her chores from her small age, early marriage ,kids, Grandkids.

From when i can remember i have never seen her rest or even sleep. She gets up before dawn and she is the last to sleep. Whenever we need anything she is always there to get it. She is the hands for everyone.She is the only person who expects nothing from us not even our attention. When i was near her i didnot realise her value..

Now when my sister is a mother and me married we realise how dedicated she was with nothing in return. We are hardly able to do 20% of her labour. Till now she is the one who does most of the work not even my mom nor us..

 It is never too late to express our love to her and am glad to have realised what a gem she is and none of us can equal her.

Silently she has taught us that LOVE is the greatest of all and it can be expressed even in the little of things in our day-to-day lives...

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Unsolved Mystery ---- LIFE

Certain things in life cannot be understood... Wait ...i guess all my life..... One moment I think I have everything to be happy ...but the next moment I am unhappy for insane reasons....My mind is surfing like the channels on TV...Emotion to Emotion...It is confusing and makes me wonder " WHAT LIFE IS ALL ABOUT"...

We know the truth that life is to fulfill the purpose for what we were created .

" A sound heart is life to the body But Envy is rottenness to the bones"-proverbs 14:30

Thinking only the goodness in our lives will help us ,makes sense for us living, but we are not used to this type of thoughts. God is working in our day-to-day lives. Yet as my saying goes " A small drop of poison is enough to spoil the whole vine".. 

We are under the pattern of thinking only about the bad areas in our life constantly...The small holes/failures in our lives make us clumsy/down...Making us forget the millions of goodness happening in our life....